The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) works toward making communities safer for bicyclists. The NHTSA focuses on providing bicycle safety tips for riders in an effort to help decrease the number of bicycle crashes across the country. Decreasing...
Bicycle Accidents
What should you know about traumatic tattoos?
Bicyclists and motorcyclists in particular face a lot of risks on the road that other drivers do not. This includes an increased chance of suffering from traumatic tattoos. What exactly are these tattoos? How do they impact a person's health, and how does a victim...
How can parked cars cause injuries for bicyclists?
When a person rides their bicycle around, either on a quiet back road or a busy main road, they will likely encounter angry or dangerous drivers. One unexpected way that this can lead to an accident is when this person rides past a parked car. Paying attention only to...
Data on intersections and bike accidents
Whenever you ride a bike near vehicles, you need to pay attention. However, it is important to understand that there are times when the chances of becoming involved in a traffic accident are especially high. For example, the chances of becoming struck by a vehicle...
Protecting yourself against serious injuries in a bike crash
Riding your bicycle can provide you with a fun way to stay active, as well as a convenient way to get from one place to another. However, cycling near motorists may increase your risk of injury if you are not careful. Even though you cannot prevent every chance of an...