It is important to focus on your safety as a bicyclist, and there are many different risk factors that you need to pay attention to. For example, you have to take road conditions into consideration and watch out for negligent drivers, such as those who drive drunk, speed or use their phones behind the wheel.
In addition, it is helpful to go over some of the characteristics of bicycle accidents. Examining this data offers a better understanding of times when the chance of an accident is especially high.
Deadly bike collisions during different seasons
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that 33% of cyclist deaths in 2019 took place during the summer, while 25% took place in the fall, 22% happened in the spring and 20% occurred in the winter. Clearly, fatal bike accidents (as well as accidents that result in serious injuries) occur throughout the year, and the summer months (June through August) are particularly dangerous for bicyclists.
In the winter, more deadly bike accidents occurred between 6 PM and 9 PM in 2019 than at other times. In the summer, more bicyclists became involved in deadly accidents between 9 PM and 12 AM.
Other statistics on deadly bike accidents
NHTSA data shows that 78% of cyclist fatalities during 2019 took place on urban roads, and alcohol played a role in 34% of all these fatal accidents. In comparison to female bicyclists, six times as many male bicyclists lost their lives. Tragically, 846 cyclists died in traffic collisions over the course of 2019.
Following a fatal traffic accident, it is essential to carefully assess the details of the accident and determine if a driver’s negligence contributed to the accident.